Elanora is trapped in an arranged marriage to a man she despises. When a chance encounter with a pirate captain sparks an unexpected connection,...

Ann Newman
Ann Newman

Ann Newman is a historical romance author with a love for adventure-filled stories, strong heroines, and compelling love stories. When not writing, she enjoys traveling, reading, and diving into history for inspiration.

She lives with her husband and children, balancing life as a writer, a mother, and an explorer of stories yet to be told.

Pearls, Pistols, and Pirates

Elanora is trapped in an arranged marriage to a man she despises. When a chance encounter with a pirate captain sparks an unexpected connection, she sees a way out—but it’s not as simple as escaping her betrothed. Disguised as a boy, Elanora boards a pirate ship in search of freedom, unaware that the captain is none other than the man she met at...


Contact email: AnnNewmanbooks@gmail.com